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In math, we studied different types of triangles, mostly right triangles.

Subjects included:

-Pythagorean Theorem

-45-45 triangles

-30-60-90 triangles



In math, similarity has a different meaning. Usually, it means having some of the same qualities, but in math it means, shapewise, having the same angles and proportional sides(in other words, it can be bigger or smaller, but has to stay the same shape).

Math Project(?)

In this project, we made creatve presentations of certain math concepts. We worked in partnerships, in order to make sure that everyone had a concept to use. My partnership's concept was 3D shapes and volume. We decided to show how volume by using water to fill up the shapes, to be then measured in milliliters(cubic centimeters of liquid). We could then prove that it has such-and-such volume. We eventually decided to modify this, putting a model person into a bathtub, in a way that the water would overflow into a measuring container. The water that overflowed would have the same volume as the model, showing its volume.


I think that one way that I grew as a mathematician was that I started to realize the importance of paying attention. The 9th grade opened up my mind a little bit about expression, especially the final Math project. I was forced to portray a subject in a manner that was both interesting and creative. In doing so, I believe that I created a totally unique(within the 9th grade) product that also connected to another class. Speaking of which, it also helped me realize the web, the net of interconnections between subjects, something I had come across before but not realized-seen but not understood.

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A Picture That Sums Up The 9th Grade

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